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Some Thoughts on Current Events

We depart from our normally scheduled program to discuss another matter of importance for all Christians and citizens of our great state. For several weeks now we have all been living under a “stay home, stay healthy” order from the Governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee. This order has closed businesses deemed not essential (e.g., hair salons, churches, restaurants, schools, gyms, etc.) and allowed essential businesses, like grocery stores, pot shops, and liquor stores, to remain open as long as they comply with social distancing directives. This order has also restricted the citizens of this state from participating in any non-essential activities, like golfing, fishing, and visiting grandma down the road. These orders have all been given to protect the citizens of this great state from the deadly pandemic, especially those who are the most vulnerable.

When is it right to disobey the authorities that God has placed over us? I mention this because it has been something that has affected us and will continue to affect us for a very long time after this is over. It is also something that has begun to be questioned by citizens from our state and from other states across the country. Is the cure worse than the disease? By the time you read this, some states will have begun to lift stay home orders, but it appears likely that the order in Washington State will be extended for at least a couple of weeks. If so, what will your response be? Is it right to continue to comply with this order? What does it look like to obey the authorities over us? Or, should we resist? If so, what does that look like?

My wife and I watched a well-made and beautiful film about non-violent resistance several weeks ago. The film, A Hidden Life, centers on an Austrian soldier’s refusal to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler. He’s encouraged throughout the film to comply with the requirement, to fall in line with the other soldiers, to do it for his wife, kids, and community. But he cannot do it for the sake of his own conscience and pays the ultimate price. We may say that this is a principle that guides us in making a determination about obeying the government on matters that are not explicitly addressed in Scripture. Obey unless it violates your own conscience, your own awareness of what is right or wrong.

The issue is not as clear cut as some would make it seem. It’s a tad too simplistic to say that obedience to the governing authorities implies absolute obedience in all matters. What if the governing authorities issue orders that contradict first principles or individual rights? What if these orders violate rights procured by the federal or state constitution? What if the reasoning behind these orders is not sound? What if the threat or spread of the pandemic is not as severe as originally thought? What if it’s hypocritical that pro-abortive governors are now supposedly caring for the weak and vulnerable? What if the closure of businesses is doing long-term damage to countless lives and the economy? What if the governors are doing this on purpose to use as ammunition in the election against President Trump?

I know that’s a lot of “what-ifs.” I’m somewhat certain about some of those and not so much about others. You’ll have to guess which ones. What is certain is that we all need wisdom in this matter. None of us know all the facts about this new coronavirus or about the best way forward at this point. That is why we need to depend on each other and the Lord as we seek to honor him. I’m all for staying healthy. I’ll let you decide for yourself if that means staying home.


Elk community church

40022 N Elk Camden Rd

Elk, WA 99009

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